CBD oil is increasingly being used by athletes. Since 2018, they can do so without fear, because the World Anti-Doping Agency removed the specification from the list of doping substances. However, cannabidiol will work well not only for people training professionally. The regenerative and anti-inflammatory properties of the oil will be appreciated by everyone who …
[read more]Tag: cbd oil
Three things you need to know before buying CBD oil
We know more and more about the health-promoting properties of CBD oils, so it’s no wonder that interest in their use is growing. Cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids contained in the oils have a positive effect on immunity, regulate sleep-wake rhythm and appetite, have an analgesic and relaxing effect. To date, the best known is the …
[read more]CBD for good sleep and causes of insomnia
Insomnia is a serious disorder of the human body. Regular problems with sleep negatively affect the mood and health. More and more often the topic arises: CBD oil and sleep. How cannabidiolic acid will help fight insomnia? Why do some people struggle with lack of restful sleep? What makes you unable to fall …
[read more]What is cannabidiol – CBD?
Domesticated more than 6,000 years ago in China, hemp produces more than 400 different organic compounds. The two main groups of biologically active molecules contained in hemp are terpenes and cannabinoids such as cannabidiol, or CBD. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds that can affect the functioning of the human nervous system. Hemp biosynthesizes over …
[read more]Which CBD hemp oil should you choose?
Contrary to appearances, the concentration of oil is not important! You can consume a smaller amount or a higher amount of concentrated oil to achieve the same dose of natural CBD. Cannabinoids such as CBD contained in hemp oils, like all other substances, are dosed in milligrams per day, not as a percentage. Example: 1 …
[read more]How Much Does CBD Cost?
It’s a simple question, with a not-so-simple answer. CBD products can cost $9.99, or they can cost over $400. There are different sizes, strengths, and product types to consider. Each one of these can make it difficult to discern whether you’re paying too much, too little, or just the right amount. Part of what makes CBD pricing …
[read more]How Cannabis Oil Works to Kill Cancer
Forward-thinking countries have recognized the healing benefits of cannabis. The most recent legislation of medicinal and recreational marijuana legalization was in Canada in October 2018. The approved operation of retail stores this year in one of the biggest cities in the country, Ontario, has proven that a lot are in favor of this high-caliber plant. …
[read more]CBD oil and cancer: 9 things to know
CBD oil (cannabidiol) is everywhere these days. Once available only at novelty or vitamin shops, it’s now also at your local grocery store, pharmacy or even yoga studio. It comes in many forms: oils that are dropped under the tongue, roll-ons that are applied to the skin and even solutions for vaping. Some producers extract CBD …
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