This is not marketing prepare for learning the inside story of cannabidiol a couple of years ago a remarkable thing happened when CBD became legal in all 50 of the US states if you remove CBD from the THC coming from the cannabis plant or the hemp plant CBD is now legal to use as a nutritional supplement since that time of course the market has exploded with interest and this conversation today is about the physiological effects of CBD on the human body truly CBD is not just another nutritional supplement this short conversation is going to accurately describe the intense scientific research that’s going on around the world but in simple language so that everyone in the stands of why CBD is so important for human physiology in order to comprehend the significance of CBD to our health we first have to ask the simple question what exactly is our health is it just the absence of disease if you don’t have symptoms you must be healthy well it’s actually far more important question and a deeper question than just that how does human physiology actually work how is it designed in general.
Every aspect of human physiology is based on the balance between polar opposites between the yin and the yang this creates homeostasis when we look at specific parts of our physiology like the immune system the yin and the yang the opposites would be anti inflammation and inflammation the negative and the positive when those two things are imbalanced your immune system is functioning properly if we’re talking about our nervous system then we’re talking about the forces of excitation and the forces of inhibition or relaxation when we’re talking about our endocrine system or our hormone system we have the forces of breaking down tissue or the catabolic hormones and we have the anabolic hormones we build up tissue when those two forces are in balance we have homeostasis of our endocrine our hormone system if we’re talking about oxidation we have forces of antioxidant and forces of oxidation most people think that you have to just take buckets full of antioxidants all the time as if oxidation is bad not true if you didn’t have oxidation and the forces of oxidation in your bodies you couldn’t survive even one minute those two things have to be in balance they have to be in homeostasis all of our physiological systems have to be in this constant state of homeostasis a dynamic balance the stronger your physiologies ability to stay in homeostasis is there were more robust your capacity to be in homeostasis is the healthier you are next question what exactly is dynamic balance this is kind of difficult to understand and the best way is a model a model of a mobile so here we go we’re looking at a mobile you’ve probably played with this when you were a kid perhaps you even have some of these in your home right now.
During the shifting and the oscillation is when you feel sick when you have symptoms but our body our physiology will compensate and the new balance will be found and you can continue to function now let me explain how modern medicine with pharmaceutical drugs interacts with this system let’s say you have another one of these stars another one of these elements that goes a little bit haywire this star over here on the left so you’re feeling lousy and you go to the doctor and the doctor does some kind of test and decides okay we need to give you a drug and so you take a drug some kind of pharmaceutical drug to deal with this one element over here on the left that’s now gone somewhat haywire and the drug is designed to clamp down on those symptoms notice that the drug is designed to deal with exactly that one star not the entire system with a mobile but that one star and the symptoms that it’s creating however we know that pharmaceutical drugs have many many unintended side effects and so because of the drug you’re taking now another star goes haywire and you have more symptoms and now you have to take a drug to counteract the symptoms on their first drug and so you clamp down on that star as well and then a third one goes haywire and so you clamp down on that one as well and let’s say now you seem to be stable you seem to be functioning and everything is copasetic well is it really everything seems to be stable here because the mobile isn’t shifting anymore but let’s take a closer look at your system this is what’s actually happening you now have all sorts of artificial weights attached to your physiology to your mobile you can see that your physiology is under a lot of stress the weight of all these different drugs and these overexpressed stars are pulling down heavily on this mobile and you can see that some of those bars are now bent because they’re under so much tension.

CBD Oils
One more little thing going wrong with your physiology perhaps it’s something as simple as a cold or a little virus or some kind of drug interaction that you didn’t anticipate and now something breaks this system is under so much tension in somewhat stress that the oscillations would be huge and you might find yourself in the ICU under life support so in a nutshell pharmaceutical drugs work at the level of the symptoms not the systems which causes enormous strain on your human physiology so I’ve showed you this in order to point out to highlight the differences between how pharmaceutical drugs work at the level of the stars and how CBD works, CBD instead of working at the level of the stars works at the level of the system of balance at the Nexus of balance that would be in these crystalline green orbs where the where the string attaches to the stick that’s where the system knows if it’s in balance or out of balance.
It can’t tell what’s happening at the level of the star but it knows what’s happening right there in that green crystal and orb where balance is maintained and established so in the model that we are using the mobile to highlight how our physiology works that’s where CBD works now in our actual physiology where does CBD work let’s take a closer look here we go we’re gonna travel into our physiology right into our central nervous system and we’re going to see at the level of in cells that the cell surface is covered with these green receptors these are receptors for CBD and when the CBD binds to that receptor it sends a message into the cell which travels all the way down into the nucleus of the cell where the intelligence of our entire physiology is contained within our chromosomes so here a chromosome is going to unwind and you’re going to see the actual DNA that contains the codes for everything that our body does this is like the software that runs our physiology genes are the codes for every protein that our bodies make including all the signaling molecules that run our physiology.
Such as our neurotransmitters that run our nervous system our hormones that run our endocrine system and our cytokines that run our immune system so imagine for instance that these are cells in your pancreas making insulin this is happening in a million cells let’s say all producing huge amounts of insulin to keep your blood Sugar’s in proper balance again your insulin is a hormone which is a protein so we see that throughout our physiology we have receptors specifically designed to bind with CBD and CBD has its effect on the nucleus of our cells where proteins are being made so which proteins are being made from the influence of CBD. CBD modulates the transcriptions of over 1,100 genes that make the signaling molecules that naturally reduce inflammation in our central nervous system and throughout our immune system restoring homeostasis to both our immune and to our central nervous systems.
So as you can see on the left side of the slide CBD up regulates the genes that create anti-inflammatory bio chemicals for our immune system and up regulates the GABA system in our central nervous system which brings calmness to our central nervous and on the right side of the slide we can see that CBD down regulates the genes that create the inflammatory bio chemicals in our immune system and also down regulates the glutamate system in our central nervous system which causes over excitation so now let’s go back to the model of our physiology and see how CBD affects it we go back to our one star that’s out of whack and now we introduce CBD and voila we see a cascade going through all the points of balance in our system and the mobile comes back to homeostasis to its original stable beautiful balance now our physiological systems are far more complex in a simple mobile that I’ve been showing you here with only 12 stars for instance our immune system has 350 different signaling molecules on it so it’s an enormous mobile which also explains why there’s so many unintended drug interactions because if you affect any one of those little stars it’s going to shift all 350 of those other stars and who could possibly figure that out so in fact here’s what our immune system actually looks like and of course when you introduce CBD to our amazingly complex physiology in the immune system the Cascade of homeostasis trickles down through all 350 of those stars it’s a beautiful thing bottom line CBD causes a cascade of homeostasis through our entire central nervous system in our entire immune system so why is this happening because as I mentioned before we have receptors in our physiology for CBD this is called the endocannabinoid system back in medical school we didn’t even know about the endocannabinoid system it was only discovered in the 1990s by dr.
Raphaela shulam from the Hebrew University in Israel where an amazing amount of incredible biomedical nology and innovations are coming from that tiny little country so the endocannabinoid system is a network of cells throughout our body that have receptors for CBD in fact there are more receptors for CBD in our body than any other kind of receptor so the endocannabinoid system is truly the largest network of its kind throughout our entire physiology among other things.
Dr. McCollum also discovered that we make our own cannabinoids in our body this is an and amide and two AG an and amide is something that we create when we’re meditating hence it’s called the Bliss molecule and two AG as well as an and amide are released in mother’s milk when a child is breastfeeding so no wonder that child is so calm and happy when they’re breastfeeding those two compounds are also associated with a runner’s high you know that point when you’re running and suddenly you’re in bliss you kind of break through the wall and now you just feel wonderful.
Those two are natural cannabinoids that our own bodies make and bind to our CBD receptors, so here we have our CBD receptors in our central nervous system and in our cardiovascular system we’re immune cells are constantly circulating of course in our bone marrow where the cells are actually manufactured and of course in our immune organs our major moving organs are the intestines the spleen and the bladder and last but not least the lymph system so our bodies are filled with CBD receptors so what now you know the story why is this important why is this matter why is this important to you or me or if you’re interested in the business of distributing CPD.
Why is this important to humanity if you live in urban America or urban anywhere in the world you are inflamed your central nervous system is inflamed as well as your immune system is inflamed and nobody is exempt because our physiological systems are under assault assault from environmental toxins such as herbicide insecticides and heavy metals chronic biological infection such as bacteria viruses fungus and molds and last but not least are inflammatory diets which are very poor usually way too much sugar which causes leaky gut and inflamed gut that allows certain bacterial infections to occur that gets into our blood into our systems so what kind of symptoms what kind of stress do all these things cause to us if your immune system is inflamed you might be suffering from autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis inflamed bowel disease lupus and thyroid or fibromyalgia or even MS and your skin psoriasis and eczema and all sorts of other chronic infections.
Does one realize many of these things didn’t even exist a hundred 150 years ago incidents of these kind of diseases is growing throughout the last century because of the environmental load of toxins that we are now absorbing into our systems now let’s take a look at your central nervous system if it is inflamed what kind of things might you be suffering from brain fog migraines epilepsy anxiety and PTSD ad D ADHD autism and insomnia again a hundred or 150 years ago these kind of symptoms these kind of diseases were really rare and over the last hundred and fifty years because of the insult the ongoing insult to our systems these kind of things are more more prevalent with every single year so if you are suffering from any of these conditions any of these symptoms CBD might provide you with tremendous healing tremendous relief right through your own natural endocannabinoid system that brings homeostasis both to your immune system and to your central nervous system so in conclusion what have we learned from this conversation that health is achieved through physiological homeostasis right through our natural endocannabinoid systems and therefore CBD is an indispensable catalyst for optimal health you are welcome to submit your questions and testimonials in the comment section below give us a couple days and we will answer them you.
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